Pick Me, Pick Me! I'm in the running for the Cutest Dog Contest, and I'm definitely an underdog in this competition! I'm a pit bull rescue, but I love my parents and my sister and I especially like the ladies! I'm a real good boy. I like to play bubbles and every time my parents walk me in Grant Park, I pick up a big log in my mouth & bring it all the way home. I'm trying to help them collect fire wood, but sometimes I try to eat the log. It's just irresistible... Well, if I win the contest, I will donate a lot of my winnings to the rescue organization where I was saved. I will buy all the dogs that come to BARK ATL treats for the Thanksgiving holiday, too. That's the day we find out which dog wins! I sure hope it's me. I've got big plans. A million dollars is the prize, and that buys a lot of bubbles at WAL-MART! You can vote every day. Be on the lookout, my YouTube VOTE FOR REMUS video will be out soon - it will make you laugh! oxoxox, Wet Licks, WOOF, WOOF, Remus

I almost forgot, click on my picture or the link to vote! Rubber duckie, you're the one! oxox, Remus