Friday, March 25, 2011

Bark ATL's Favorite Picture of the Week!

It's Friday so that means it is time for Bark ATL's favorite picture of the week! How about we turn it into a contest?? Caption this photo below in the comments section. Best caption wins a super cool Bark ATL coozie (come on, you know you want one!) and a Lick A Lot for your furry pal. 


  1. My smile is so big I can't keep my eyes open..I love BarkATL!

  2. Did ya hear they crossed a Pekingese and a Lhasa Apso? The new breed is Peekasso, an abstract dog! Hahahahahaha

  3. Time for Hide and Seek! I'm "it" first! 20...19...18...17...16....

  4. Ah..Ah...AH CHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Man, this pollen is killing me!


Please let us know what you think! WOOF.